Thursday 21 June 2012

The Body Shop: Vitamin C Skin Reviver

After watching Lusciousbeauty17's  April favourites video I was persuaded to buy Body Shop's Vitamin C Skin reviver. Now I have never worn a  primer before and always liked the idea of having something that would heighten the staying power of my foundation. I tend to apply my make-up in morning and have no touch ups during the day, so usually come the end of a long day my face is looking like a Madame Tussauds' reject. Nice! So I thought it was about time I invested in a primer to save the public from daily exposure to my hot mess of a face come the evening.

When I first bought it I was cautious about using it as one of the ingredients was brazil nut oil. As I have oily to combination skin I tend to steer away from oil based products which tend to exacerbate any breakouts. With any primer this also container silicone to create that flawless base, being new to primers I didn't want the silicone to block my pores and break me out. However, the results have been phenomenal!

I use this daily after I moisturise and before I apply foundation now. I cannot stress how much this makes my foundation application flawless. My foundation stays all day with no patchiness or foundation break down and it gives the skin a subtle dewy glow.

 The product itself as a gel/lotion hybrid texture with finely milled rose gold coloured light reflecting particles. It has a delicious citrus smell and glides onto the skin smoothly giving a matte finish. It can be worn by itself as well as under make-up. As with any primer it doesn't cover blemishes but it evens out the texture of the skin by minimising the appearance of fine lines and pores.

With the added antioxidant benefits of Brazil nut oil and Vitamin C which are meant to reduce wrinkles, dry skin and acne what is not to love about this multipurpose primer! Go grab one now, they retail at £13.00 for 30ml.... and remember a little goes a long way!

GlitterButton rating: 5/5!

What do you guys think of primers? Any suggestions on any amazing primers I should try next? Leave your comments and suggestions down below :)

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